Friday, April 25, 2008

Other updates...then I'll start real blogging....really...:P

3/24/08 Hello! I wanted to update everyone! We're doing really well right now. My baby boy is a tough little guy even through everything. I've had a few people ask if I was still working, and YES, I am definitely working! My work on Etsy is one thing that keeps my mind sane...So please feel free to order, as I'm chugging along on orders! I know I do this all the time, but THANK YOU TO EVERYONE! I am absolutely blessed to have so many buyers that are understanding, patient and truly caring. Please know that I care about all of you and LOVE to see all your businesses thrive, especially with help from my labels! :)LOTS OF LOVE,Jennifer3/4/08 NOTE!!!!!!!!As a lot of you know, my 2008 has been really rough. To add to it, I am in the hospital at this moment with my infant dealing with a virus giving him a bronchitis or asthmatic reaction. OOOOOkkkkayyyy........the dr just came in with new xray results. He has pneumonia. :( He's getting much better, and will probably be home tomorrow. I will get orders completed as soon as I get home or contact my friend to help me while I'm still in here. I pray that you all will have patience in this difficult time. Thank you all!!

1 comment:

Jessica V. said...

I clicked over to your blog from Etsy and thought I would say hello. :) I hope your youngest is doing much better. I'm also the mom of all boys (4 1/2, 1, and #3 due in September). I know how trying the respiratory problems, as my youngest has been on treatments monthly ever since he got RSV last fall and was hospitalized over night a few weeks ago.

I just wanted to send my best wishes your way. :)
