Sunday, February 15, 2009


Not that I really have time to do this blog....but this business has been so discouraging lately. I need to get this out or it's going to just sit in my head while I try to answer conversation after conversation. That's all I do anymore, and as I don't mind them, I just can't get to all of them quickly sometimes. I know people think that I'm slacking and ignoring them, but I just have more than I can handle. I know, you're probably wanting to tell me to take a break and close your shop. Yeah, I am compelled to close it permanently and do something else totally. But, I'm not a quitter. I've been knocked down a whole lot lately and there are a few people that seem to do everything but try and understand. In all seriousness, I know that these people are running a business and they need the labels for their own success. I truly and completely understand that, and that's why I work all the time...all day...into the wee hours of the morning. I'm tired, my kids are needing me, I even have someone working for me...why am I still so overwhelmed? I know one reason is that I'm always working on improving my process and so that's always in my mind, on my plate and I'm always experimenting. It's my dream, my goal and complete desire to run this business. I just want to know why....why did I have both computers crash the same day? (My belief is that at that moment I was able to take from Peter to pay Paul the easiest that day to replace them and God knew I was going to work through it.) I want to know why I had internet trouble just as I got the new computers settled? I want to know why I'm interrupted every time I need to work. I want to know why a few people insist on copying and pasting my listing word for word into their own. When it comes down to it, it's all a learning process and I'm thankful for it. If it weren't for the people that are patient, loving and generous with their kind words, I might collapse in a pit of quicksand. So, thank you to all of you that offer the extra vote of confidence and the words that take the bricks off my chest. There's nothing better, except maybe getting my work done and spending time with my family.

God bless you all...